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Sex crazed girls in furious fucking 2

Date added: 10 years ago
Duration: 6m:14s
Views: 8073
Submitted by: Admin
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It was a nice day, we were gonna go shopping with the girls, and in the evening I was supposed to meet my boyfriend and go to a restaurant with him. But he called me and said that he had too much work and couldn't meet me. Damn, that really pissed me off! Did he think I was gonna stay home and cry? No fucking way! Me and my best friends were gonna pick up some guy and fuck his brains out! At first we met only some pigeon-hearted pussies who didn't have the guts to fuck on camera, but eventually we found the right guy. He was horny just like us, and he was willing to do whatever we told him to do. Dirty pickup fuck has never ever felt so good!
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