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Steve meets a sexy blonde

Date added: 9 years ago
Duration: 10m:57s
Views: 7578
Submitted by: Admin
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In this great porn scene, Steve is out walking the street, asking people what they like and don?t like about porn. He finds a sexy blonde girl, and he asks her to have sex with him on camera, although she is a bit shy at first, she agrees. As they arrive at her flat, and she pushes him onto the stairs, so she can get his dick out and give him a blow job. They take the action to a window ledge, and the sexy blonde takes his cock in her mouth again. Steve strips the beautiful woman, and licks her clit with his tongue, taking his time. He bends her over, and they have sex doggy style on the window ledge. Steve fucks her hard, and them moves her into reverse cow girl, and watches her bounce up and down on his cock. They move back into doggy, and Steve eases his cock gently into her arse. He slowly builds up speed as they have anal sex, until he cums over her stomach.
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